Unique & Handmade Gift Guide for 2017

Tis' the season to start finding that perfect gift! 

Being the proprietor of Sweet Anthem has put me in touch with some incredibly wonderful and creative shop owners. I love the community not competition mindset and can't wait to pass on my cool gift finds to you. Not only do I have high-quality, lovingly made gift recommendations for you, but knowing that you are buying it from really exceptional people who love what they do too, makes the season even brighter! Enjoy!  

Jewels by SJB

I love finding out new ways to wear perfume, and when I found out one of my favorite jewelers also made a bracelet that diffuses scent I was over the moon! These beautiful and versatile bracelets are made with lava rock beads which are highly porous. Just add a few drops of your favorite scent or give them a quick spritz and you are good to go. Oh, and did I mention that this is also another vegan / cruelty-free woman-owned biz?  


Noun - A Persons Place for Things

I am highly addicted to Noun's Instagram feed of curated vintage treasures! Most everything in the store is a one-of-a-kind collectible just waiting for the perfect home. But because most items are one-of-a-kind, you need to act fast if something catches your eye!  Noun is a local store here in Portland, however, if you see something you like on their Instagram feed they are more than happy to wrap it up and send it out! 


Restless Yeti


Restless Yeti is THE place for Outspoken Apparel! I love the positive messaging encouraging our fellow humans to speak up. I swoon for their trucker hat shown here and just bought myself one of their 'feminist' shirts. The dynamic duo, Emily & Shawna, who run this biz looked long and hard before finding the perfect shirt to grace their thoughtful designs. My shirt is soft, true to size and of course, looks amazing with jeans! 
The Wild Unknown

The Wild Unknown Spirit Animal Deck is a beautifully drawn magical journey created by local Portland artist Kim Krans. This has become a favorite in our household with the littles. They love picking out cards daily and reflecting on the qualities each animal brings to our world and what that means to them. "The qualities of the five elements interweave with each creature’s habitat and behaviors to deepen and inspire the wild spirit within you." 

Missionary Chocolates

Missionary Chocolates has become my go-to for a chocolate fix. These mouth-watering, decadently over-sized, confectionary delights are also allergy friendly (nut free, gluten free, dairy free) and VEGAN! As far as I'm concerned, these are as close to guilt-free as you will find! 


Sage & Sea Apothecary

Sage & Sea Apothecary, Year of Well Wishes Candle Set is incredibly charming! I am in love with the packaging as each candle comes in its own milk carton container (I also love that you can gift this as a complete set, use for a holiday party favor, or handout individually as gifts!) Order early, the lead time on this gift is a couple of weeks, but well worth the wait for these clean-burning, beautifully-scented candles of peace and happiness. 

I would love to hear about your favorite go-to shops and items for the holidays in the comments below. I am always on the lookout for that unique and wonderful item!

Happy holidays friends! 


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